Journal of Lutheran Ethics
Journal of Lutheran Ethics (JLE) is a free, monthly, ecclesial online publication living out the Lutheran tradition of addressing social issues theologically, using the resources of historical, theological, and ethical tradition, biblical interpretation, and social sciences.
The publication is a bridge between the academic study of Christianity and the contemporary life of the Church, JLE is a meeting place for scholars and professors, seminary and university students, pastors and bishops, and theologically informed lay persons, advocates, and activists.
JLE views the scope of Lutheran ethics broadly. The scope embraces foundational questions and current social issues; personal and public dimensions of the moral life; domestic and global issues; and individual and corporate responsibilities — in sum, the concerns of both church and society. It explores biblical, theological, and historical foundations and orientations for the church’s social witness and its members’ vocations (living out the Christian calling as family member, citizen, worker, and in the church as pastor and lay). It also invites persons from other religious and secular traditions to join the discussion.
JLE is published by the Theological Discernment Team in the Office of the Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) as part of the studies function of their work. It operates out of the ELCA’s confessional commitments and seeks to enhance this church’s life and mission in society by offering a forum to clarify, deepen, and enliven Lutheran ethics. It contributes to the ELCA by promoting reasonable and constructive dialogue between faithful people, aspiring to speak in love while seeking understanding.
JLE solicits original articles and welcomes unsolicited contributions. Click
here for more information on what and how to contribute to JLE. The Team welcomes ideas for what should be in the journal.