Editor's Introduction | |
Announcements Lutheran Ethicists' Gathering Have you considered attending “Christian Reflections on Dying Well in a Technological Society?” This year’s Lutheran Ethicists’ Gathering sponsored by the ELCA’s Theological Discernment Team (January 7-8, 2015 at the Palmer House Hotel, Chicago) will bring together ethically attentive Christians whether ethicists, pastors, chaplains, teachers, or lay people around end-of-life questions. For more information, click here. Draft of Social Message on Gender-based Violence The ELCA Church Council has authorized a social message on gender-based violence. Messages are adopted by the Church Council as a means to encourage learning and moral discourse. A draft is available online through November 26th and public feedback is encouraged. To learn more, click here. To read the draft and give feedback, click here. | |
Articles |
Timeless Duties towards the Hungry Poor | ||
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| “Poor People” as Other: Changing the Subject to “our” Challenges of and Living with Poverty by Andrea Green As Christians, we are called to serve the poor. However, how do we do so justly and effectively? Green notes that by identifying the poor as "other"--as something outside of "us"--we do a disservice to the community and often do not help those in need. Christians should stand in solidarity with those in poverty as members of the body of Christ. | |
A Black Lutheran Perspective on Poverty and Plenty
In this social statement from 1999, the ELCA adopted a view of economic justice that is still of pressing relevance today. When Americans thinks about economics, they often think of their own personal finances. However, according to the statement, as the body of Christ we are called to be attentive to the wellbeing of those who do not have a sufficient, sustainable livelihood.
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Rupturing Eschatology: Divine Glory and the Silence of the Cross by Eric J. Trozzo | ||
By Bread Alone: The Bible through the Eyes of the Hungry edited by Sheila E. McGinn, Lai Lang, Elizabeth Ngan, and Ahida Calderon-Pilarskie | ||
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© November 2014
Journal of Lutheran Ethics
Volume 14, Issue 10