Reflections on "Caring for Creation"


[1] Ten years have flown by; it was such a great experience to be part of the task force.  I think often of the people I met.  I keep in touch with Lisa Lundgren.

[2] Living in South Central Nebraska farming is my main concern.  Farmers are going to minimum tillage (preventing the erosion of the soil).  They are more informed about the chemicals to use.  It has been a hard four years of drought; and taxes keep rising.  Older farmers are quitting and young farmers can't make a go of it.  Big farmers are taking over.  Most farmers have trash collection.  No more throwing junk in the creek!  More trees are being planted.  Too late we learned how dangerous the chemicals we use to use were.  The Midwest North Dakota to Texas has been referred to as cancer alley.  Many farmers have died because of misuse of chemicals.

[3] As to the statement Caring for Creation; it was of interest to congregations at first, but I'm sure many congregations don't even know where the publication is gathering dust; as is the fate of many church publications - society is too busy.

[4] The small churches, towns and schools are slowly dying.  It is very depressing.  Low-level nuke dumps are still an issue.  Destruction of the universe through war and neglect is continuing each day.  Big cities are expanding; thus wild animals are losing their habitat, their natural environment, Mountain Lions, Bob Cats, Deer, Wild Turkey, never before seen in this area are moving in.  Where is the answer?



© September 2003
Journal of Lutheran Ethics
Volume 3, Issue 9