Quality of Call Initiative

The Quality of Call Initiative is part of the Presiding Bishop’s Leadership Initiative and is funded by a generous donor to empower change.

The vision of this initiative is:

A church that is equitably served by people who are empowered to serve with their gifts, irrespective of identity markers heretofore targeted by systems and individuals for bias, discrimination, and oppression.

This initiative has three phases. The first focuses on rostered ministers who are women. The second focuses on rostered ministers who are   Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). The third phase focuses on rostered ministers who identify as LGBTQIA+. Each focus intersects with the others.

Everyone from individual lay members, synod councils, rostered ministers, synod offices and bishops, congregational councils, schools, and the churchwide organization can help to improve how ELCA rostered ministers experience their calls. Check out the resources and begin dialogue and collaboration with others to make a difference right where you are.


View Quality of Call Initiative Resources

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