Ways to Give

Your gifts help our church respond to hunger and poverty through hundreds of projects in more than 60 countries around the world, including the United States. These gifts are brought together with the skills, capacity and resources of local communities to make transformative change.

Make an online donation

Online giving is simple and secure.

Give a monthly gift

Become a Monthly Partner and give automatic, monthly gifts in support of ELCA World Hunger. Visit the Monthly Partners page, click "I would like to choose an area for this gift to support" and select "ELCA World Hunger."

Mail your donation

Make checks payable to ELCA World Hunger.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ELCA Gift Processing Center
P.O. Box 1809
Merrifield, VA 22116-8009

Give by phone

Call 800-638-3522 to make a donation with a credit card. Operators are ready to assist you Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Central Time.

Give through your congregation

Make checks payable to your congregation, indicating ELCA World Hunger in the memo line, and place your gift in the offering plate. Order offering envelopes, fundraising materials and other resources for your congregation and have them mailed to you for free!

Leave a legacy

The ELCA Foundation has a nationwide network of professional gift planning staff that can help you explore a variety of possibilities for making a significant gift to ELCA World Hunger and fulfilling your legacy goals at the same time. Find the regional gift planner nearest you or call the ELCA Foundation at 800-638-3522 for more information.

Create your own fundraiser

Visit Team ELCA to create your own event, design a personal page and invite support for ELCA World Hunger.