Steward Leader

We are a church that is a catalyst, convener and bridge builder. These roles are fulfilled by faithful leaders serving in all expressions of the church. As steward leaders, we are accountable within our own calling and context to manage the gifts God has entrusted to us. This includes, but is not limited to financial resources.

Steward leaders are experienced disciples operating at the intersection of Christian faith and service to God’s calling. The identification, growth and development of these leaders involve perspectives, practices and skills that contribute to God’s work in the world today. A well-formed steward leader is grounded in biblical and theological principles, including a trust in God’s abundance.

Through resources and learning events, prospective leaders are invited to engage, discern and shape stewardship ministry for their context. The following provide specific resources for various aspects of growing steward leaders.
  • Competencies of a Well-formed Steward
  • Steward Coaching
  • Stages of Steward Leader Development
  • Ventures
  • Stewardship Key Leader
  • Rekindle
  • Money Leadership for Thriving Congregations
  • Stewardship: The Way of Love