Corporate Social Responsibility

We are a church that is energized by lively engagement in our faith and life. As members of the ELCA, we believe God calls the church both corporately and individually to use all that is committed to its care to steward God’s creation (Genesis 1:26), pursue justice (Amos 5:24), care for people in need (Matthew 25:40) and seek peace (Luke 19:41-42).

The Corporate Social Responsibility program of the ELCA seeks to enter into dialogue with business representatives on the social implications of company practices and to affect ELCA investment policy in socially responsible ways.


The Corporate Social Responsibility program engages businesses on a range of social, environmental and financial issues. We ask companies to bear more fully the wider social and environmental costs of what they produce. In addition, we ask businesses to commit to hire without discrimination, and we as a church will support legislation, ordinances and resolutions that guarantee equality to all individuals. We also ask financial institutions to ensure that new ways of providing low-income people with assistance and services do not sacrifice the most vulnerable for the sake of economic efficiency and profit.


To ensure people are treated fairly and with dignity and to create sustainable communities, we work directly with corporations, utilizing tools such as investment screening, shareholder advocacy and community investing. Learn more by going to the Corporate Social Responsibility resource page.

Our Partner

The Corporate Social Responsibility ministry of the ELCA is often done in partnership with Portico Benefit Services. To find out more about their work, click here.