ELCA Churchwide Assembly 2022, Voting Member Welcome and Introduction - Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton | VIEW VIDEO | DOWNLOAD VIDEO
ELCA Churchwide Assembly 2022, Parliamentary Procedure - ELCA Secretary Sue Rothmeyer | VIEW VIDEO | DOWNLOAD VIDEO
ELCA Churchwide Assembly 2022, Ecclesiastical Ballot - Interim Vice President Carlos Peña | VIEW VIDEO | DOWNLOAD VIDEO
ELCA Churchwide Assembly 2022, Preview | VIEW VIDEO
The 2022 Churchwide Assembly hearings will be held by Zoom webinar during the week prior to the Churchwide Assembly. | VIEW VIDEO
The 2022 Churchwide Assembly hearings will be held by Zoom webinar during the week prior to the Churchwide Assembly. | VIEW VIDEO
The 2022 Churchwide Assembly hearings will be held by Zoom webinar during the week prior to the Churchwide Assembly. | VIEW VIDEO
Churchwide Assembly voting members are encouraged to participate in online Bible studies to be held Sunday afternoons in July (10, 17, 24 and 31), 3-3:45 p.m. Central time.
Recordings of the Bible studies will be viewable here.