European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice

The European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice involves European descent members of the ELCA and partners of other ethnicities in being a visible and active anti-racist witness for a multicultural church.

The association exists to help dismantle racism, white privilege and white power by:
  • Working together with all of the ELCA ethnic associations
  • Claiming the biblical identity of one family created in God’s image
  • Educating about racism, systemic oppression and structural privilege
  • Collaborating on becoming an anti-racist, inclusive, multicultural church
  • Deepening relationships throughout the diverse cultural and ethnic identities in the ELCA and its partners
  • Modeling and welcoming multi-ethnic leadership throughout the church
Grounded in God’s love and forgiveness, and with a spirit of repentance, we face the realities in the church and society that divide, exclude and oppress some people and not others. The European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice offers itself to the Holy Spirit, that the gospel might move and guide us to help shape a church in which “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).

For more information about the work of the European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice, joining or resources on anti-racism, visit

Ministries of Diverse Cultures
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