About the ELCA Profile form


The ELCA Profile application provides a consistent way of entering and maintaining basic profile information across ELCA online systems.

The first time you register for an ELCA online system, you’ll complete the basic profile information. After that, you’ll be able to enter additional information.

Each time you access the ELCA Profile form, it displays the current information you have “on file.” If you make edits to different fields, it may take up to two business days for the information you entered in that session to be displayed.

Note: The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it through compliance with the ELCA Privacy Policy.

ELCA Profile Form


Here’s a preview of what the form looks like. Click the image to the right to enlarge it. All fields except “Middle Name” and “Birthdate” are required.

Remember, when you register and submit the ELCA Profile form, it may take up to two business days before the information is processed. After that, you can return to https://profile.elca.org, log in and see the values you entered populate your view of the form. You’ll also see additional tabs of information you can enter to make your profile more complete.

ELCA Profil Bio

You’ll be able to review and edit basic biographical information:

  • On the “Phone” tab you’ll be able to mark one phone number as “Primary,” pick the phone “Type” (home, cell or work) and indicate whether any of your phone numbers should be marked “Do not call.”
  • On the address tab you’ll be able to pick a “Primary” address, indicate the address type (work or home) and update any fields if you need to.
  • Finally, the “Email” tab lets you pick a primary email address and check whether any email address should be marked “Do not email.”

If you have questions about completing or maintaining your ELCA Profile, contact Constituent.Care@elca.org.