Impact Church Ministry Grants
ELCA Scholarships
Community Resilience, Support & Justice Grants
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Scholarships are specifically designed for individuals who are passionate about their faith and are committed to using their education to make a positive impact in the world.
They are to open doors; they are a steppingstone to propel you towards your dreams and allow you to pursue your studies with greater sense and purpose and fulfillment.
With your faith, let this be the guiding light in your life, let it be fueled by determination, resilience, and desire to serve others. The opportunity to continue growth, academically and spiritually.
Grant Type
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Registration Open
Torrison Scholarship
The Dr. George and Emma J. Torrison Scholarship Fund provides grants for men and women who intend to pursue careers in medicine.
Applicants must hold membership in the ELCA and be graduating seniors who have been accepted into a medical school as a first-year student in the fall of the current year of application.
All year around
See Instructions to Register
See Instructions to Register
Grant Type
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Registration Open
Coaching Scholarship
We recognize that the requirements to meet Active Status could prove to bring a financial hardship for some of our coaches. We want to provide every opportunity for any coach that want to invest in this qualification to be able to achieve this status. We also recognize that the financial consequences of obtaining these qualifications could be proportionally unequal for our colleagues that serve in historically marginalized communities. This scholarship is an intentional investment in our coaching leaders and the work our coaching ministry is committed to doing around dismantling institutional racism.
Coaching Leaders affiliated to the Coaching Network
Registration Open: Feb. 26 - Dec. 1
See Instructions to Register
See Instructions to Register
Grant Type
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Registration Open
Rossing Physics Scholarship
Thanks to generous gifts from Dr. Thomas D. Rossing, which established The Rossing Fund for Physics Education Endowment , outstanding students of physics may apply for competitive scholarships of up to $10,000.
Applicants must be enrolled in an ELCA-related college or university, must be currently classified by their college or university as a sophomore or junior, must have declared their intention to graduate with a major in physics, and must have taken at least one course in physics at that college or university.
Grant Type
Who Can Apply?
Registration Open
Fund for Leaders Direct Full-Tuition Scholarship
Applicants must be seeking to become rostered ministers in the ELCA and must have begun the candidacy process in their ELCA synod. These scholarships are awarded to students for the duration of their required seminary coursework. Applicants should be prepared to provide written essay, video essay, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, synod candidacy verification, and an offer of admission letter from an ELCA seminary.
The ELCA Fund for Leaders Direct Full-Tuition Scholarship is for new students who will be enrolled in the upcoming fall semester. Current students who will have completed no more than one semester of coursework by the upcoming fall semester are also eligible to apply.
Grant Type
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Registration Open
Fund for Leaders Federal Chaplaincy Ministries Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded through ELCA Federal Chaplaincy Ministries. Recipients of FFL full tuition and or Synod/Congregation scholarships are eligible to apply.
The ELCA Fund for Leaders Federal Chaplaincy Ministries Scholarship is for students who are attending an ELCA seminary and are preparing for ministry as a Military, Veterans Administration or Federal Prison chaplain.
Grant Type
Who Can Apply?
Registration Open
Fund for Leaders Mission Developer
Students must be identified and nominated by their seminary in coordination with their synod bishop and Director of Evangelical Mission (DEM). Do not complete this application unless you have received an invitation to do so.
The ELCA Fund for Leaders Mission Developer Scholarship is for current students including TEEM (Theological Education for Emerging Ministries) candidates at an ELCA seminary
Grant Type
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Registration Open
Fund for Leaders Synod, Congregation
The ELCA Fund for Leaders Synod of Congregation Scholarship is offered to ELCA seminary students by synods and congregations that have established a scholarship fund through Fund for Leaders. A list of scholarship names is available from a menu provided in the application; choose the specific name of the award for which you were invited to apply. Do not complete this application unless you have received an invitation to do so.
By invitation only
Grant Type
Who Can Apply?
Registration Open
Fund for Leaders, TEEM Support
ELCA Fund for Leaders seeks to support all rostered ministry candidates studying through the TEEM (Theological Education for Emerging Ministries) program. All registered TEEM students will receive tuition assistance. This scholarship, valued between $3,000 to $5,000 per student, will be distributed equitably each fall by all seminaries with a TEEM program. Individual applicants need not directly apply.
ELCA Seminaries with TEEM programs
Grant Type
Who Can Apply?
Registration Open
Short-Term Scholarship
This application should be used by individuals seeking programs of study that last less than 12 months. Individuals of any gender are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
ELCA Churches in the USANominated individuals from companion churches; education program shorter than one year.
Grant Type
Who Can Apply?
Registration Open
Long-Term Scholarship
This application should be used by individuals seeking academic programs of study that last 12 months or longer. Long-Term Scholarships can apply toward academic programs located either in or near your home country, or in another part of the world (such as the United States). Individuals of any gender are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Nominated individuals from companion churches; education program longer than one year.
Grant Type
Who Can Apply?
Registration Open
International Women Leaders Scholarship
This application should be used by young women who are interested in pursuing a 4-year bachelor's degree at an ELCA College in the United States. Only women between the ages of 17-25 are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Young women who do not wish to study in the United States (even those who meet the other criteria) should use either the Long-Term or Short-Term Scholarship applications.
Young women nominated from companion churches; bachelor's degree at ELCA-affiliated college in US