We are a church that rolls up our sleeves and gets to work.
Mission Builders, in thankfulness for all God has provided, use their God-given skills to help ELCA congregations, schools, camps and social ministry organizations construct or improve their facilities. While their hands do God’s work and provide housing for ministries, their hearts and voices share their faith and build up the body of Christ. Mission Builders build with local members of congregations, schools, camps and social ministry organizations. A typical project includes the Mission Builders, members of the congregation or organization and various other professionals from the community working side-by-side to improve facilities.
Interested in becoming a Mission Builder?
Want to request a Mission Builder in your congregation or ministry?
Opportunities to Serve
Alleluia Lutheran Church, St. Michael, MN
New church building construction. Builders needed summer and fall 2020.
Want to build?
Please contact Mission Builders at 1-800-643-5295 or Mission.Builders@elca.org