The Archives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America preserve, protect and make accessible the records of the ELCA, its predecessor church bodies, inter-Lutheran agencies and prominent leaders of the church. Working with the archives of the 65 synods and nine regions of the ELCA, the ELCA Archives serves historians, congregations, synods, genealogists and others interested in Lutheran history by providing resources and answering questions.
Archives catalog contains aids for finding processed collections, as well as brief records for unprocessed materials. For information on congregational microfilm, please contact the Archives directly.
The Archives' staff can help with your reference inquiries, whether they are genealogical or historical. Feel free to contact us at:
321 Bonnie Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
(847) 690-9410
Send email
The Archives is open 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Central Time, Monday-Friday, visits by appointment only.