On March 2, 2017, the ELCA Conference of Bishops’ Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Liaison Committee and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs Committee co-hosted a Lutheran-Catholic service of common prayer in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The service followed the Common Prayer liturgical guide, developed for the joint ecumenical commemoration in Lund, Sweden Oct. 31, 2016 and based on the Lutheran-Catholic dialogue report, "From Conflict to Communion." As we prayed, we confessed our brokenness, renewing our commitments to reconciling the body of Christ, and celebrating the ecumenical developments between Catholics and Lutherans over 50-plus years of dialogue – the gifts that have been given and received during our journey together on the way to unity. The service of common prayer was preceded by a joint meeting of the committees, and followed by a festive reception and dinner.
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The ELCA observes the reformation's 500th anniversary.

Encouraging the activity of ecumenical and interreligious life in this church. | Learn more