As members of the ELCA, our faith in a loving God frees us to be generous and to boldly participate in God’s work in the world. Stewardship is no longer simply about paying the church’s bills. It is about how congregations can together live out God’s call to love our neighbor. We are open to the Holy Spirit’s invitation to participate in and contribute to God’s work in the world using all of the gifts that God has entrusted to our care. Mission Support — the portion of offerings that ELCA congregations share with synods and the churchwide organization — unites us in this vital, life-giving work.
Mission Support provides 80 percent of the resources to enable the ELCA to begin new ministries and accompany existing congregations as growing centers for evangelical mission. These funds also provide the staff and resources for the development of new leaders, partnership with churches around the globe, alleviating poverty, working for justice and peace, and so much more.
The ELCA’s evangelical and missional witness invites generous giving. Individuals and congregations are encouraged to increase Mission Support through their decisions and actions. Synods and the churchwide organization share these Mission Support dollars through our work in the expressions of the church. With our hands, we do God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities throughout the world.