AMMPARO is the ELCA strategy to Accompany Migrants with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities.
What’s in the strategy?
See the full document at
See the Executive Summary here.

How can we learn about this issue?
A list of books, videos can be found here. A list of websites can be found here.
What are international companions in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala doing?
Examples are ELCA companions in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala are working with youth deported from Mexico and the United States to offer them an alternative to once again attempting the perilous journey to the U.S.
The Mennonite Social Action Commission in Honduras is working with deported youth, teaching them job skills that will help them become employed or start small businesses. The commission also provides psychological counseling to help them overcome the trauma experienced both before and during the migrant journey. Watch this video from Suyapa Ucles.
The Salvadoran Lutheran Church in El Salvador is working with deported youth to help them start small businesses.

What are ELCA synods, congregations and strategic allies doing here in the U.S.?Synods and congregations are ministering to children and families from Central America. Synods that have companion relationships with the churches in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador for many years have been supporting the work the churches have been doing around this issue.Congregations have been serving the children and families by being Welcoming Congregations and by being active in the Guardian Angel program. More information about how your congregation can be involved in these ways can be found here.Many social ministry organizations affiliated with the ELCA are providing services to children and families from Central America. For example, in Texas, where most of the children enter the United States, Upbring (formerly known as Lutheran Social Services of the South) provides foster care and residential services until the children can be united with their sponsors. It is also helping coordinate ways congregations can respond to the physical and spiritual needs of the children. Other partners are providing free legal services to the children seeking asylum.Get the latest news about what is happening to migrant children and families on the AMMPARO Facebook page: