ELCA Anti-Racism Pledge


And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Colossians 3:17).


In 2019, at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly, voting members adopted a resolution designating June 17 as a commemoration of the martyrdom of the Emanuel 9—the nine people shot and killed on June 17, 2015, during a Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. Congregations of the ELCA are encouraged to mark this day of penitence with study and prayer.

As church we are called to confess the sin of racism, condemn the ideology of white supremacy, and strive for racial justice and peace. Beyond statements and prayers, we are called to also act and respond to injustices. We invite you to commit to one or more of the actions below:


  1. Sign the pledge below, “I commit to study, prayer and action to become an anti-racist individual in an anti-racist church,” and share your participation on social media using #ELCA4justice.

  2. Work to dismantle racial injustice by listening to voices, experiences and the expertise of people of color. Learn about the ELCA ethnic-specific associations and their strategies.

  3. Learn the history of systemic racism in this country and the ways racism and white supremacy impact every aspect of our life together by engaging in resources such as "Now Is the Time: A Study Guide for ELCA Declaration to People of African Descent".

  4. Join, support or attend your synod’s anti-racism team or work with your synod leadership to start one in your congregation. Study the ELCA social statement “Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture” and the following apology statements:

    Apologies, Declarations and Statements

  5. Explore and use on “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday the forthcoming ELCA Advocacy resources on a “Just Society Supporting the Health of All,” which are focused on advancing racially equitable public policies, and by engaging in ELCAvotes to encourage and ensure voting rights for all.

  6. Start where you are by joining community organizations working for racial justice.

  7. Reach out to build or deepen relationships with Historic Black Churches. Consider using the congregational resource “Understanding One Another,” co-authored by the ELCA and the African Methodist Episcopal Church, or our Joint Statement of Mission with the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church as a way to get started.

  8. Explore and use the anti-racism resources of our ecumenical partners through the A.C.T. Now to End Racism initiative of the National Council of Churches.



Let our prayers of lament be turned into ongoing actions for racial justice.

The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton
Presiding Bishop

Carlos E. Peña
Vice President (Interim)

The Rev. Tracie L. Bartholomew
Chair, Conference of Bishops




YES, I commit to study, prayer and action to become an anti-racist individual in an anti-racist church.

First Name
Last Name
Congregation name
E-mail address (Note: your email will not be publicly displayed)

Displaying 1 - 20 of 4430
1 2 3 4 5  ... 

Congregation Name
City, State

Nancy Battist
Messiah Lutheran Church
Madison, WI

The Rev. Phillip Potaczek
Trinity Lutheran Church
Ottawa, Illinois

Fred Prisley
St Paul
Tampa, FL

Ms. Julie Knutson
St. John's Lutheran
Bloomington, IL

Ms. Melanie Zelinger
Messiah Lutheran Church
Madison, WI

Frederic Prisley
St Paul
Tampa, FL

The Rev. Teresita Valeriano
Asian and Pacific Islander Ministries
Alameda, CA

The Rev. Gretchen Ierien
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Lancaster , PA

Pastor Mark Rollenhagen
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Waukegan, Illinois

Mr. Daniel Hoffman
Redeemer Brookpark
Brook Park, Oh

Linda Bullen
Harrison City, Pa.

Pastor Michael Lee
Common Ground Church
Lodi, WI

Mx. Hannah Peterson
St Luke's Lutheran Church in Logan Square
Chicago, IL

The Rev. David Ethan Olson
Berwyn, IL

Ms. Cassandra Wilson
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
Woburn, MA

Dr. Marit Trelstad
St Mark's Lutheran Church by the Narrows
Tacoma, WA

Ms. Sharon Saidi
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Winter Park, Florida

Ms. gretchen ahrens
Nebraska Synod Staff
Omaha, NE

Kim Vought
Holy Cross Lutheran
Wheaton, Il

Mr. Stephen Brown
St. Louis , Mo