Discerning Your Vocation
Discernment is not just another word for deciding.
God has already decided. God has chosen life for the world. God has chosen you, with your unique gifts and abilities, and given you the freedom to match them up with the needs you see around you.
Discernment isn’t just about what you’re going to do; it’s not what you’re going to do with your life; it’s not deciding which school you’re going to attend or what job you’re going to have.
Discernment is about being open, curious and attuned to what God is up to — with you and with your community. And it’s being confident that you have a part to play in the story of God’s love for the world.
Discernment is considering what God has given you.
What are you good at? What are you passionate about? What brings you joy? What experiences, circumstances and challenges have formed and prepared you for a new thing God may be doing with you?
Discernment is noticing what God is doing in the world.
What are the needs of your community? Where is the good news of Jesus being lived out and proclaimed? Where else does it need to be? What is the part you’ve been given to play in this story of God’s love for the world?
By now you’ve realized that discernment isn’t about a decision. It’s about always being ready to ask the questions — and then being engaged in living the answers!